Important Python Questions for exams

 Hey guys i'm also a student so i know students search for imp question on google but most of the site show interview questions. Show here i'm going to provide you some important questions that will help you to get pass in exam.

chapter 1:

  1.   List and explain python features.
  2. Explain Nested if statement with example.
  3. explain the use of break statement in loop with example.
  4. What is difference between Interactive and script mode?
  5. Explain "While loop "using example.
  6. Write a program to accept a number from the user and check odd or even. 
chapter 2:

  1. Explain any 5 operations performed on string.
  2. Define function in python with example.
  3. write a program to check whether a string is palindrome.
  4. Discuss the difference between local and global variables.
  5. Explain Recursion with example.
  6. Explain any 5 Maths function in python with example.
chapter 3:

  1. Explain the Dictionary method in python.
  2. What are the different method for adding element to a list?Give example for each method.
  3. List and explain any five exception in python.
  4. what is meant by variable-length argument tuple?Explain with an example. 
  5. Replace the following set of statement with tuple assignment.Temp  = a, a = b, b = temp
  6. Explain python input output functions in detail.
  7. What are the Attributes of File Object?
chapter 4:

  1. What is multilevel inheritance?write a program to implement multilevel inheritance.
  2. How are threads synchronized?Explain with example.
  3. Explain classes and object in python with example.
  4. explain different module in python.
  5. explain object and method in python?
  6. explain classes and object in python?
chapter 5:

  1. Explain Paned Window Widget in python?
  2. Write a short note about SpinBox widget?
  3.  What is use of Entry Widget? Explain any five properties of Entry Widget.
  4. Write source code in python to create Login screen with use for tkinter module?
  5. Explain Text Widget in python?
  6. Explain Layout Management and its features.
I hope it will help you to pass in exam.It is not much but is is better than nothing.

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